I can't believe Christmas is only a few weeks away! Unfortunately that means I start work next week after my nearly 5 month maternity leave. I'm counting down the days and it feels like a guillotine is slowly inching towards me. I hate the idea of leaving my LO, especially since we're having difficulty transitioning her to the bottle. I'll miss waking up every day to her adorable smiles, but with my schedule, hopefully I'll still be able to see a few every week.
When I heard that Urban Outfitters had holos available in their cube polishes, I was really doubtful about the holo quality, but then the buzz got louder and more excited on the net so I had to check them out in person. I found them at my first UO stop, but not with the regular polishes. Instead, they were located by the registers and marked $10 each instead of the $5 like the other cubes. I heard that girls were picking them up two for $8, so I asked the register gal and she confirmed the discounted price. The bottle holos look really amazing and what's even better, the holos all translated onto the nail perfectly. I had no trouble with application, they both went on smoothly and were opaque in two coats without any basecoat.
First, the Pink holo:
Urban Outfitters Cube Pink Holo |
Urban Outfitters Cube Pink Holo |
Urban Outfitters Cube Pink Holo |
Urban Outfitters Cube Pink Holo |
Urban Outfitters Cube Pink Holo | | |
Now the Green Holo:
Urban Outfitters Cube Green Holo |
Urban Outfitters Cube Green Holo |
Urban Outfitters Cube Green Holo |
Urban Outfitters Cube Green Holo |
I would say they are a real contender against the recently released
Color Club Halo Hues that I swatched here, and possibly a better price point if you can find a
SA who will sell them to you at the sale price of two for $8 instead of the $10 labeled price. Which brand would you get, the Color Clubs or the Urban Outfitters?
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