Happy Friday everyone! So far today has been off to a great start for me. I woke to my lovely LO smiling at me and played with her until her nap time. As for my computer woes, I received my new computer yesterday and was able to set most of it up. Today I purchased the new Windows 8 for $15 upgrade price and I'm installing it right now. I'm not sure if I'll like it - I played with it at Best Buy on Tuesday and it seemed user friendly, especially with the option to revert back to the original Windows Start Menu window, so I figured I'd give it a try. I'll let you know what I think.
During my computer downtime, I decided to try some nail art to celebrate Halloween, one of my favorite holidays of the year. I've always wanted to try the splatter technique, and figured that it would look great in red to create a bloody nail effect. Walgreens is having a sale this week on Sinful Colors, 99 cents a bottle, so I'm using that brand for this mani. I started with two Sinful Colors White - I've never used a white before and I hope there's less streaky brands out there. Next I used Sinful Colors Ruby Ruby, a nice true red to dip my straw in and use to blow the red splatter across my nails. I had a little trouble with the splatter because it kept wanting to drip large drops across my nails rather then the lighter streaks I wanted but I'm sure it's something I need to keep practicing to perfect. The large drops were probably better for this mani anyway, especially since I want it to appear like blood. The only huge mistake I made was not taping my nails. Ugh, what a mess!! I had major cleanup to do, but luckily I figured out that I could use the Expert Touch Lint Free Nail Wipes to clean most of it up neatly. I followed all with a layer of Poshe, albeit a little too early on some nails since the splatter took longer to dry than normal.
Right Hand |
Right Hand |
My favorite nail from this mani, middle finger right hand |
Left Hand - more bloody looking because of bigger splatter |
So what do you think of my first splatter mani? I definitely can use some improvement!! Hopefully next time it'll be much cleaner looking. What are you wearing for Halloween?
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