
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Digital Nails Galactica Swatch And Review


Whew, my life can go on.  Finally after three days, I found my cell phone behind my bed.  Although I can easily go weeks without talking to anyone on the phone, three days without Internet access at my fingertips is an eternity.  Rejoice!

I've been intrigued by a glistening Digital Nails bottle that's been sitting in my untried for a couple weeks and finally got the opportunity to try it out. It's called Galactica, and now I'm trying to recall if I bought it solely for the name, Battlestar Galactica fiend that I am, or if I bought it for the sparkly green appearance.  It's a complex appearing polish but it's simply a duochrome green to gold glitter in a clear base.  I used three surprisingly easy coats for this mani and had no clumping, pooling, or dragging of glitter. It all dried down flatter and faster than I anticipated and all I needed was a layer of topcoat to finish.

Digital Nails Galactica
Digital Nails Galactica

Digital Nails Galactica
Digital Nails Galactica

Digital Nails Galactica
Digital Nails Galactica

Digital Nails Galactica
Digital Nails Galactica

Digital Nails Galactica
Digital Nails Galactica

Digital Nails Galactica
Digital Nails Galactica

Look at the blinding sparkling goodness!! If you've heard of Laquistry lacquers Amazeballs then you'd understand whati mean when I say this is the green version of that polish.  I love the subtle color shift that certain angles of light induce.   I can see bronze, gold, and dark green all produced by the glitter itself and not without the help of any base color or pigment.  The glitters here are definitely the star of the show here.

Out of curiosity I tried Essie Matte About You to see what effect it would produce.  It dulled down the sparkle as predicted and left only a flat green glitter polish behind.

Matted Digital Nails Galactica
Matted Digital Nails Galactica

Matted Digital Nails Galactica
Matted Digital Nails Galactica

Matted Digital Nails Galactica
Matted Digital Nails Galactica

Matted Digital Nails Galactica
Matted Digital Nails Galactica

Matted Digital Nails Galactica
Matted Digital Nails Galactica

I think I much prefer the original sparkly version, don't you? Luckily another layer of topcoat brings back the original finish.  I'm delighted by the flashing glitter of this polish and it's definitely an eye catcher when worn. I love wearing disco ball nails and this makes me want to boogie oogie all night long!



  1. Wow that's a looker! I love it! And it looks AMAZING on you!

  2. This is seriously amazing! I love how it just glows. It's beyond pretty. I really do need to try this brand for myself.

    1. Thanks! There were some I wanted to get during the cyber Monday sale but missed out on because they sold out so fast.... seems like she's got a lot of fans!
